MLS Media Services Pricing.
Properties are photographed by an experienced professional real estate photographer using high-end cameras and lighting equipment. We provide a punctual professional service with consistent quality outputs. Pricing for an MLS shoot is primarily based on the property's TLA (Total living area), special features such as boat houses and annexes will also be included if important to the property. All prices exclude tax.
MLS Photography Pricing
Less than 2500 sq/ft - $185 + Tax
2500 - 3500 sq/ft - $220 + Tax
3500 - 4500 sq/ft - $250 + Tax
<4500 sq/ft call for a quote (1-902-430-5478)
What you get & conditions
Typically 20 - 35 landscape-orientated images are provided. The number of images depends on the property size and features.
A MLS shoot involves a single visit to the property at a prearranged time between the hours of 9am and 4pm on weekdays to take images.
For property shoots on the weekend and public holidays add $50 to the base package.
Photographs are colour-corrected and straightened on a single axis.
Travel: the first 50km are free for a first visit (we use Bayers Lake as the origin point, after that 0.75 cents per kilometer is charged).
Digital files optimized for MLS are provided to clients via Dropbox or WeTransfer.
Photographs are delivered to clients within 48 hours from the end of the shoot.
It is important that the property is photo-ready - see FAQ
Photographer retains Copyright.
Add on Drone Photography and Video for MLS photoshoot
Aerial Video - $220 + Tax (60-120 seconds of edited video which can be branded (client supplied branding).
Aerial Photographs - $75 + Tax (5 Still Images). Aerial photographs are taken at the same time as the other services provided or it will be charged as a separate visit.
Both Video and aerial photographs $249 + Tax.
Drone Video will be shot at the best time for the property. (The first 50km are free for a first visit for video, we use Bayers Lake as the origin point, after that 0.75 cents per kilometer is charged).
Matterport 3D Tour (photoshoot Add-on) Pricing is based on the total area under the roof.
less than 2500 sq/ft - $239 + Tax
2500 - 3500 sq/ft - $259 + Tax
3500 - 4500 sq/ft - $299 + Tax
<4500 sq/ft quote (1-902-430-5478)
You receive the 3D walk-through, Dollhouse View and slideshow as well as 3 months hosting of the 3D model (additional hosting is available @:
$30 per month; after the initial three-month period or;
$75 for three months or
$240 per annum
The 3D Model is taken at the same time as the photo-shoot.
It is vital that the house is ready, items cannot be moved during the 3D tour.
As an additional service 2D floorplans with dimensions can be requested. A Floorplan costs $50 + Tax and may take up to 48 hours to be delivered.
External twilight shoots
Twilight is the time between the light and the dark although it occurs both in the morning and evening we typically refer to the evening. Twilight lasts about 30 minutes after sunset. High impact external photographs which give your property a soul by allowing the viewer to see into the house from the outside. This does not suit all houses but tends to showcase those with big windows, good interior lighting, good landscape lighting systems, pools and other entertainment areas.
Times differs throughout the year based on sunset.
$150 when included with another MLS package. Typically 2 - 5 photographs delivered
Standalone pricing $225 + Tax. Typically 5-8 photographs delivered.
Travel: first 50km are free for a first visit (we use Bayers Lake as the origin point after that I charge 0.75 cents per kilometer).